Our CD from Cranfield Parish in Bedfordshire arrived yesterday, and will take much poring over to research all the information contained on it. This paragraph stands out, adding credence to the information we already have about Huguenots coming to the area. Secondly, from an initial quick scan, it would appear that in 1600 there may have been only one Millard family in Cranfield.
Secondly, we have Kleinsteuber research information from Ebenheim, Germany, and though it doesn't link directly to our main stream of Kleinsteuber ancestry, it does take us back to Jost Kleinsteuber, born 1615.
Our Profile today is of Jennifer Kleinsteuber, owner of the JENNIFER KLEINSTEUBER GALLERY at 88 West Pender Street in downtown Vancouver. Johann Wendel Kleinsteuber (1804 - 1866, Gotha, Germany) was Jennifer's 3rd great grandfather.
Secondly, we have Kleinsteuber research information from Ebenheim, Germany, and though it doesn't link directly to our main stream of Kleinsteuber ancestry, it does take us back to Jost Kleinsteuber, born 1615.
Our Profile today is of Jennifer Kleinsteuber, owner of the JENNIFER KLEINSTEUBER GALLERY at 88 West Pender Street in downtown Vancouver. Johann Wendel Kleinsteuber (1804 - 1866, Gotha, Germany) was Jennifer's 3rd great grandfather.