We often think preparation of a Will is a fairly recent document to prepare; the following is the 1749 Will of Robert Millard of Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, my 5th great grandfather.
30 May 1749
The Executrix and Executor within named was sworn a wording to law
Before Mr. Wm Smith Surrogate
In the name of God Amen the sixteenth day of March in the two and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Second over Great Britain and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight.
I, Robert Millard of Leighton Bussard in the County of Bedford yeoman being ill in body but of sound mind and memory God be praised do make this my Will as follows first and principally I do commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting to be saved by and through the merit of Jesus Christ my Redeemer for my body I do commit the same to the earth direct to be buried and for my worldly goods and estate I dispose thereof as follows imprimis.
I do give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Buckmaster my daughter, wife of John Buckmaster, one guinea only by reason at or about her marriage the said money and I give and bequeath unto Robert Millard and Phoebe Millard my children twenty pounds apiece to be rightfully paid to them within one year next of my death.
Also I give to Jane Millard my daughter twenty pounds to be paid to her at age of one and twenty years.
Then I do give and devise unto James Millard my son and his heirs forever all those my three half acres of freehold land in Grovesbury field in Leighton aforesaid which I purchased of my landlord Robert Ashwell Esq with their appurtenances. Also I order my Executors to maintain the estate and bring up the said James my son and Susanna Millard my daughter until they shall rightfully attain their majority or age of one and twenty years they keeping unmarried to that time and when the said Susanna shall have attained the age of one and twenty years I give her twenty pounds.
Then all the rest residue and remainder of my money goods chattels and personal estate unbequeathed after my debts legated and funeral expenses shall be paid and discharged, I do give and bequeath Phoebe my loving wife and Thomas Millard my oldest son equally between them to be divided and I so make my said wife and oldest son joint executors or joint executor and executrix of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I the said Robert Millard the father hast hereto left my hand and seal the day and year first about written.
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us who hast hereto left our lands in the presence of the legate.
Joseph Newman Robert Millard
Thomas Robertson
Edward Ashwell Signature and seal
30 May 1749
The Executrix and Executor within named was sworn a wording to law
Before Mr. Wm Smith Surrogate
In the name of God Amen the sixteenth day of March in the two and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Second over Great Britain and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight.
I, Robert Millard of Leighton Bussard in the County of Bedford yeoman being ill in body but of sound mind and memory God be praised do make this my Will as follows first and principally I do commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting to be saved by and through the merit of Jesus Christ my Redeemer for my body I do commit the same to the earth direct to be buried and for my worldly goods and estate I dispose thereof as follows imprimis.
I do give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Buckmaster my daughter, wife of John Buckmaster, one guinea only by reason at or about her marriage the said money and I give and bequeath unto Robert Millard and Phoebe Millard my children twenty pounds apiece to be rightfully paid to them within one year next of my death.
Also I give to Jane Millard my daughter twenty pounds to be paid to her at age of one and twenty years.
Then I do give and devise unto James Millard my son and his heirs forever all those my three half acres of freehold land in Grovesbury field in Leighton aforesaid which I purchased of my landlord Robert Ashwell Esq with their appurtenances. Also I order my Executors to maintain the estate and bring up the said James my son and Susanna Millard my daughter until they shall rightfully attain their majority or age of one and twenty years they keeping unmarried to that time and when the said Susanna shall have attained the age of one and twenty years I give her twenty pounds.
Then all the rest residue and remainder of my money goods chattels and personal estate unbequeathed after my debts legated and funeral expenses shall be paid and discharged, I do give and bequeath Phoebe my loving wife and Thomas Millard my oldest son equally between them to be divided and I so make my said wife and oldest son joint executors or joint executor and executrix of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I the said Robert Millard the father hast hereto left my hand and seal the day and year first about written.
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us who hast hereto left our lands in the presence of the legate.
Joseph Newman Robert Millard
Thomas Robertson
Edward Ashwell Signature and seal